
How to Choose a Giveaway Winner on IG

Giveaway from Ritual in Washington, DC

Here is a sneak peek at how I choose winners for ig giveaways!

These step by step instructions are based on selecting a winner for a giveaway where one entry is earned by tagging one person per comment. Bonus entries could also be earned for sharing the post to their story too.

Step 1.
Open facebook on your computer. Log in and go to you page.
Step 2.
Click on the inbox tab > instagram. Choose the post under the “main” column.
Step 3.
Load all the comments in the right column by clicking “view more comments” at the top of the column. Copy and paste all into an excel spreadsheet.
Step 4.
In excel, select column and click data > sort > alphabetical.
Manually add extra lines for the folks that got bonus entries from sharing the giveaway to their story.
Step 5.
Copy and paste the excel section of comments (it should look like tracyholzmannp@leemasterk) into a free random word picker. I used http://miniwebtool.com/random-name-picker/
If you use one that requires a comma after each entry check out http://www.extendoffice.com/documents/excel/2871-excel-add-comma-at-end-of-cell.html for instructions.
Step 6.
Let the program do its magic. Tada! You have your winner!
Run the random name picker once more to just in case the original winner did not meet other contest criteria (I.E. Follow, repost, age).
Step 7.
Confirm your winner has met any additional criteria then notify!
Be sure to post the winner on ig. I personally think it’s nice to disclose how the winner was picked for transparency.
Hope this helps you streamline choosing your next contest winner on ig!

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